Ordering Information
Once you have gone through our wide and extensive product list and gallery and selected the products that you wish to make a part of your home, it’s time to place an order! In this section, we will guide you through the complete ordering process and address certain questions you may have regarding your order. We endeavor to make this a smooth and satisfactory experience for you!
Order Placement
You can place an order via email or directly contact us via phone at 226-219-6062 to speak to one of our experts. All calls are handled by professionals who provide help and guidance through the process.
All orders can only be processed when you return the invoice signed to us and send the first payment as stated in the invoice.
Deposit and Payment
We levy a 50% deposit amount at the time of order placement. Once your shed is completely pre-fabricated and all materials received another 30% payment will be required. The remaining 20% will be paid upon completion of the installation. We accept all methods of payment – Cheque, Visa and Mastercard. If paying the balance via cheque, a certified cheque will expedite the shipping process or wait till the cheque is cleared by the bank before shipping. Please send cheque payments to: Kellner Innovations Inc.
Backyard Escape Studios
36446 Bush Line
Port Stanley, Ontario N5L 1J2
With placing your down payment, you agree to our general terms and conditions. That makes it obsolete to receive a signed copy of our Estimate.
We do not disclose any confidential information of our customers to third parties. Safeguarding your personal information is a high priority for us. It could be possible that if you send us an email that from time to time you will receive an email from us for updates of our products. If you don’t wish to receive any email, in the email you will be able to opt-out.
Our website uses ‘cookies’ that automatically collects limited, non-personally identifying information made available by your browser. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the practices of our website, please contact us.
Shipping Process
Upon receiving your confirmed order placement, we provide you with an expected date of shipping. If you have any questions about your order or shipping date, please contact us.
Confirmation of Shipping Date
Approximately a week prior to the expected date of shipping, we will contact you to verify the order schedule. For complete delivery details, contact us by phone or email. We require that you be prepared to accept the delivery of your products when it is ready to be shipped.
We store products for a period of 7 days past the specified date for shipping without any charge. However, we levy a fee of $50 per day after that. After 30 days, the product will be disposed of and we will request the balance due of the contract.
Changing an Order
For any changes on confirmed order placements, we request you to contact us within 4 business days from the day of order placement. We do not charge a fee within this time period; however, if you request changes after the 4 days, we charge a sum of $75 for every change requested.Please note, the changes can only be processed if the structure has not been built yet. Modifications post production are extremely difficult and expensive.We encourage you to make your selections carefully to ensure you are completely satisfied with your purchase decision.
Returns & Cancellations
We do not encourage order cancellations as each unit is custom-made to satisfy the needs of individual customers. Please ensure that you place orders after due consideration of your exact needs and requirements. We offer complete guidance to help you choose and make sound decisions that match your specific needs. We ensure that we work based on specific needs every time, and pride ourselves in delivering exceptional and timely results.
Refunds & Permits
If the laws in your area require permits, we request you to arrange for the same. We extend our full support through the process. Since every unit we work on is based on individual and specific needs and customized for each customer, our deposits are non-refundable. We encourage our customers to get the permits before placing an order to avoid cancellations at a later stage.
If by any chance we are unable to meet the zoning by-laws in your area, we will provide you with a full refund of your deposit amount; within 90 days of the purchase date. In case major modifications are required we will advise you of the incremental costs. In case you choose not to proceed with the modifications, we will refund the full deposit amount and cancel your order.
Manufacturing or Shipping Problems
We give high priority to our manufacturing and shipping process by scrutinizing the entire process closely. We wish to make it a happy experience for you from the start to the very end, and even after!In case of a problem, or if you have any concerns, kindly contact us immediately. We provide prompt assistance by email or by phone to all our customers.
Warranty Details
We offer a two-year warranty for defects in material and workmanship on all our products and units. However, it must be noted that your product must comply with certain guidelines to qualify for warranty.
We offer a two-year warranty on all our sheds and studios. The warranty covers all defects in the material or workmanship, excluding plans.
The warranty does not cover the following:
-Natural occurring defects to the wood such as knots, cracks or splinters
-Expansion and contraction as a result of moisture
-Variations in the colour and grain
-Variations to the paint and stain, including shades and drips.
We always recommend inward opening doors for an extended life and protection from wind damage. We do not take responsibility for damaged outward opening doors.
Conditions for validating warranty
Staining: To validate warranty, all terms underlined in the Warranty section must be met. Cedar commonly ages to a silver/gray tone; unstained wood may swell or splinter as a result of moisture drawn up from the ground.
Kellner Innovations: Each unit of Kellner Innovations product covers defects in manufacturing for a period of two years from the date of purchase; the defects do not include plans. We warrant each product meets industry standards and is fit for the intended use. The warranty does not cover naturally occurring defects such as knots, cracks, splinters or expansion and contraction due to moisture or grain traits.
In case of any difficulties with regards to the product, you can contact us and we will repair, replace, or pay for any product deemed to be defective; excluding the price for installation. We may request a photo of the defective product, before replacement.
To qualify for warranty, the following conditions must be met:
- We must be timely notified of any difficulties and given the opportunity to verify or inspect the problem before we undertake any kind of repair work.
- The structure has been maintained in the following way:
The complete unit has been stained or painted within 30 days; including all six sides of the doors (top, bottom, front, back, and sides). For gazebos, the interior roof boards are included too.
The unit must not be exposed to conditions resulting in drainage problems.
Note: In order to validate the warranty, photos of the completed unit must be submitted within 30 days of receiving complaint/request.
Kellner Innovations Inc. products are not warranted for doors opening outwards. Additionally, the products are not subject to warrant for defects as a result of direct or indirect product misuse, improper assembly, improper maintenance and natural external damaging factors.
We are happy to serve you in the best possible way!
All Products stay our property until paid in full by the customer.
We reserve the right to access the installations site to access our installed products without notice to the customer.
We also reserve the right to remove a not in full paid product form the premises of the customer at any given time.